Tuesday, 22 January 2013

3D Animation

At this point in the project I really just wanted it to be over. I wasn't really looking forward to the 3D animation after having so much hassle with the stop motion and trying to work with the group. I left Ben and Nikos to finish the ending of the stop motion and to add the sound onto it. I then carried on with my 3D that I had a go at when I was at home. This gave me time to figure out the kind of horror that I wanted to go with. I wanted something that people would think was horror but had that horror aspect. 

I ended up going with a sound clip from batman. It said " some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn", automatically I thought of an idea. I wanted to just create someone just standing there saying this. The camera would pan round from the back onto his face and zoom towards his eye. The camera would then switch to a world spinning and burning. I had to think about many things when creating this and to be honest I didn't think I would have been able to do it in time. 

After spending many hours both at college and home I had figured it all out and done it all. Of course I had to look a number of tutorials up with how to do certain stuff but in the end I was happy with what I produced. The most difficult thing I had to figure out was the camera switching and how I could go from the eye to the world. I first started of with the point camera, I thought this would be easier to pan the camera around from the back to the front and keep it simple. Of course after messing around with it and trying to switch to the world from the eye, I started to give up. Then I realised that I could have just used a normal camera and switched it over. I felt a bit stupid after this but in the end I figured little stuff out and actually enjoyed the 3D animation part.


After spending alot of time thinking about the general idea of the stop motion, we thought that the new one we came up with was a bit better and less time consuming. We wanted to incorporate block men running on lined paper and interacting with it. Of course after we worked it all out we figured out that this too was very time consuming. Since I would be drawing mostly  everything, I wouldn't have time to draw all this out and create my 3D work as well. At this point in the project I was becoming overly stressed out and had to think of another idea. I wanted this project to hurry up and finish and this put a downer on the whole project. 

Finally we settled on a idea that it would be easier if we drew and used clay as well. So our final idea; I drew out the square zombie we had from the previous ideas out and cut him up. We was going to have him fall like tetris and once he was complete he would come alive. We figured that the use of clay would benefit us at this point. So using a toy as a base I made the square like zombie out of clay. I tried as best as I could in the given time to create something decent. Anyway so the rest of the idea involved him switching to the clay and rising up from the paper. He would then come towards the camera as if he was attack the audience. We also had a car, this would come from the side and run the zombie over, crashing into the wall and crushing him.

Me and Ben did most of this, he done the camera and I moved the objects and operated the laptop. With the two of us doing it I think we did a fairly decent job.

Games Development Project 3


So the new project Is all about animation. I guess I don't really mind it sometimes, although its very time consuming. We had to create a stop animation and a 3D animation based around horror. Again we had to have groups, I never know how I really feel about the whole group idea. I don't mind working in them, it is just frustrating when we don't act like a group. Anyway thankfully only the stop-motion was a group project and the 3D was something we had to do by our self.

 After finding out the subject of the animation we had to base it off, everyone seem to rush of to use the clay and Lego idea. I had a number of ideas floating around in my head so i was happy to share them with the group. We grabbed a piece of paper and began to brainstorm ideas. I suggested we do a drawing one since it would be different from everyone else's. This seemed like a good idea at the start and everyone agreed. The initial idea would be that we would create a hallway and a girl would be walking down it fighting zombies along the way. This took us a couple of days to actually figure out what we wanted to do.

After thinking about this and realising we had to also do our 3D work, we came to terms that this was too much work and we had to re think the idea over.